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Event Two

Presentation - Professor Priti Krishna, Western Sydney University 

Context  - The skills need for backyard vegetable production differ from businesses supplying food to consumers. The skills needed for the food system are diverse. They include technical skills, through to basic business skills, food safety to customer service. The ability to innovate must be valued throughout the business.

Challenge - The lack of skilled or motivated people are impediments, but so is poor business culture. Technology means fewer people are needed but with higher skills. Engaging meaningfully with schools and young people is critical but so is creating the right workplace and skilling people to job need. The answers require innovation and an appetite for risk. Are we ready for this?


Panel -


  • Facilitator – Michael Claessens, Regional Development Australia

  • Business Enterprise Centre – Business skills and the “art” of food

  • CIT/TAFE – Training available for food

  • Schools engagement: Funghi Co 

  • Josephine Duffy, Stephanie Alexander- Kitchen Garden Foundation 

0409 804 686

Level 1, Endeavour House, 1 Franklin Street, Manuka ACT 2603

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©2020 by Food in the Capital, Regional Development Australia ACT.

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